Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Puppy Ponderings

Awakened in the middle of the night by a puppy's plaintive cry 
I stumble and shuffle through the darkened house towards the crate. 
The only illumination available to me trickles in from the street lamps.
Every lumpy thing I pass seems to be a dog in some sort of frozen pose.
Slowly, like mist rising from a lake at dawn, a thought forms in my head: 
That can't be true.
Foggy, groggy, I guide the wee pup outside to pee.
Our mission completed, we return to our own warm beds, 
settling back in for whatever dreams might come our way.
Now it's morning, and as I amble, clear-eyed, through my home
I can plainly see the lamp, the step stool, the pillows;
just hours ago they were puppies. Sort of.
Oh, how our minds love to create stories for us from what we see.
Or think we see.
Especially when we reside in that soft space of not awake, not asleep. 
Where logic and fantasy blur their edges together, melting into a new world
of possibles and maybes.

Monday, November 24, 2014

Autumn in the Air

Autumn in the Air

I sit down alongside my dog on the kitchen-side porch steps. She's sniffing the autumn-tinged breeze with an inquisitive expression, her nostrils twitching, seeking. The coolness leads me to get a sweater to wear over my t-shirt and shorts - just a bit of added insulation. We've had a week's worth of hot muggy afternoons followed by thundering, soaking evenings. It seems today will be quieter. I stir the pot of veggie sauce I've been simmering all day - it's ready. Change is in the air - I'm ready.